Rencontres d’art contemporain Gnanamaya

Since 2007, I’ve organized les Rencontres Gnanamaya, an annual exhibition and conference in my home town, which brings together visual artists from Africa and Europe (Burkina Faso, France, Belgium, Mali, Togo, Ghana…) for artistic collaborations with recovered materials. .

This event, whose name means “Second Life” in Dioula, is to share practices, produce performances, and elevate the work of artists from the local community and abroad. We also organize workshops with children from the area.

The collaboration is supported and renewed each year with the support of the Centre Culturel Français (Institut Français) de Bobo-Dioulasso.

Program of Rencontres Gnanamaya 2022

The international meeting of contemporary art in Gnanamaya will take place from January 17th to 21st 2022 in Bobo-Dioulasso. In 2022, the program includes:

  • An Exposition: the 17 invited artists will present three works in three exhibition halls in Bobo-Dioulasso.

  • Original Creations : produced during a week in a shared residency in the gardens of the l’IFBF-Bobo .

  • A Conference-Debate: on the theme of la rencontre Gnanamaya : "Création : partir, rester, voyager"

  • Training Workshops on different artistic techniques, with a focus on upcycling of recovered materials and a design workshop for young artists.

Featured Artists :

  • Ikram Ben Nrahim, Tunisia

  • Apollinaire Guidimbaye, Chad

  • Renato Biunno, France / Italy

  • Elhadji Samba Diedhou, Sénégal

  • Elmarto, Burkina Faso

  • Soumaila Kamagate, Côte d’Ivoire

  • Safiato Ballo, Burkina Faso

  • Isabel Pizzaro, Chili / France

  • Adjate Paulin Bahigobou, Burkina Faso

  • Koyate Ousmane, Burkina Faso

  • Yapo Yapo Patrick, Côte d’Ivoire

  • Gérard Tête, Togo


17 janvier

Opening of the la résidence de création des artistes à l’Institut Français du Burkina Faso

18 janvier

Artistic Residency and meetings with the artists

Conference and Debate on the conference theme: "Création : partir, rester, voyager"

19 janvier

Artistic Residency

Workshop for young artists conducted by the Gnanamaya team

20 janvier

Assembly of the exposition of works created during the residency

Private Showing at la Maison de la Culture

21 janvier

Visit to the exchibition and meeting with the artists for the young people of Colma

Performances and presentation of works by the artists